

  • Xperimental Groove Company is Poet/Writer/Musician - Chuck Moore and Producer - Wil Austin. This song writing team has a blend of Urban Funk Rock with a socially progressive sound and message influenced by the street.

  • Chuck Moore started writing poetry and playing music at a young age. After writing songs for several local groups, Chuck decided to concentrate on playing drums and percussion for a project created by his childhood friend, Wil Austin. This project was called the Soul Entity Project. Soul Entity, a collaboration of local artists playing funk, rock and often laced with poetry, was the perfect vehicle to expose chuck?s writing talents. As co-writer on some songs, Chuck could bring his writing style to an already funky project. Chuck describes his musical style as dark and ?off the beaten path?, An eclectic mix of folk, rock, R&B, and of course, funk. ?I write what feel at that moment. If there is a situation unfolding in the world and I feel strongly about it, I write about it. There needs to be more unrestrictive creativity in music today and not worry about being place in a neat little box. We experience that lack of creativity daily on urban radio. Censorship and corporate obligations to shareholders are what?s killing our musical expressions?.

  • Chuck has ventured out beyond the realm of music to the visual arts. He is working on 2 projects that will be multi-media experiences. The first, due out this winter, is called Sounds Of A Revolution, co-written with Wil Austin. Sounds of A Revolution is a film short about pirate radio and the attempt to create wonderful music without corporate interference. The second project, Storm, is a metaphorical look at a man who is face with a life or death situation and asks the question, what would you do in the same situation? The project will contain some dialog, along with a series of poems, set to music. Also, be on the lookout for Kontrast or Under the influence, a weekly web article, written by Wil Austin and Chuck Moore on political conditions in our country, how it affect the music industry and how it affects our lives in general. In the music business we have experienced life and we?ve experienced death. We will soon have life again, a re-birth if you will, and Xperimental Groove Company is more of a mindset geared for this re-birth. Funktropolis and XGC are a collection of theories set to the soundtrack of life.